Hi friends and welcome to my blog!
I’m Stephanie, a senior and family portrait photographer based in Macon, Georgia. Here on the blog, you'll find recent sessions, tips and tricks, and personal stories. Feel free to take a look around. Thanks for stopping by!
Bekki and Alex both share a love of animals. In fact, they met at work as a doggy day care attendant. Alex actually interviewed Bekki and hired her! They worked side-by-side and got to know each other. Bekki admits that she always thought Alex was cute and kept trying to hang out with him outside […]
Debrion and Jasmine are high school sweethearts! They met in the ninth grade at school but really connected over MySpace (#throwback). They became best friends over the years, which was woven into their ceremony on their wedding day. They share a love of basketball, joking around, and R&B music. Throughout high school, they dated off […]